Hello everyone! We've been meaning to update our blog for some time but we are still looking for our camera's battery recharger - so we'll
have to delay on the pictures.
Claire and Tory have returned to school. Hooray!! Tory has begun her Grade 8 year and Claire is going to afternoon senior kindergarten. Claire has also lost her first tooth - it was loose for sometime but then she knocked it out in typical Claire fashion against the bathroom sink. She was very pleased to receive the money from the tooth fairy and we can already see the new tooth.
Charlotte is a very busy and messy little toddler. She is doing very well at talking, saying things like "Hello there baby" and "burp", generally she's imitating anything anyone else says. She is now in a toddler bed - we timed it just perfectly in that she left the crib the same day that Ryan moved into it. I guess with four you have no sympathy for any childhood insecurities or traumas. Or maybe we're just rather callous parents. I don't think she really cares except that she now climbs in the crib with Ryan - much like Claire and Charlotte both climb into the playpen, the baby seat, the car seat etc. Charlotte actually climbed into the jolly jumper the other day and had a blast.
Ryan is surviving it all - he's doing really well and you can see the admiring look in his eyes as he watches the antics of the two younger girls. Which probably means that he is dying to do the same things himself one day (ouch). He had a doctor's appointment today and he has now officially doubled his birth weight to the ounce - 16 lbs 2 oz. He is trying to lunge at people's hands to chew on them so we believe he is teething. We do have teething rings and toys and the like for him, but they're always taken away from him. We're working on this.
Bye for now and we'll try and get the picture thing going again.