Charlotte or technical difficulties!
We finally gave up and purchased a new battery charger. I was starting to get things updated (around the beginning of November) and we then realized that Charlotte had dropped our external hard drive one too many times. I found this slightly distressing as we had lost a period of photos stetching from August to the weekend immediately preceeding Hallowe'en. We had a some good photos taken of the kids doing the pumpkins that were lost forever.
So I had to come to terms with this. Then when we thought we'd transfer over what was currently on the camera, the USB cable wouldn't work as the end had been nicely chewed and compacted. Then there were further delays as we waited for our Ebay purchase to be shipped to us. Add this to the expected delay while I procrastinated and that's why our last picture was posted in July!
I wanted to show a picture of Claire's Hallowe'en costume. Do you think little miss princess Claire would go for something simple like a princess outfit? No, she wanted to be a sparkling flying unicorn. This was a homemade unit - John threw together the horn and the hat. I did the ears, mane and forelock and some sewing to make the horn more spirally. Then I tried to do the main body outfit which I was very pleased with, then decided to add a tail and some feathers for the front legs and thankfully was able to purchase a pair of wings (that moved) for $5.00 at Giant Tiger. She was pleased (not an easy task with Claire).

Charlotte ended up wearing the ladybug costume that I made for Claire when she was two. This is the two of them getting ready to go out with Dad. Charlotte has been making these faces when you ask her to smile or when you ask to see her eyes. Charlotte was probably out for about 30 or 40 minutes before being dropped off before Claire - here is a picture of her with her loot. And a picture of a sulky ladybug.

More to follow later! By the way, Tory went as a witch but she didn't hang around for the pictures.
Boy, you guys are crafty. Guess I better learn to sew so I won't traumatize my child by not being able to make Hallowe'en costumes! Man, I knew this parenting thing was going to be harder than it looked...
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