This picture was totally unstaged and I wanted to capture it for posterity because these harmonious moments happen all too infrequently. Actually they have all been rather good this summer, except for when we had two rainy days in a row. These days happened to coincide with the days that John had all the car seats removed from the van and had it full of drywall. So we couldn't even go to the library or anything. Things are thankfully back to normal.
Picture number three shows you some of the difficulties that can happen. Poor Charlotte, she is really tolerant of some of Ryan's aggressive tendencies. The poor girl was sitting on a little chair eating toast and peanut butter at the coffee table this morning and Ryan came and sat on her lap. He then started eating her breakfast and she couldn't even get up to stop him. He also likes to sit on her chest when she is watching movies on the TV and she can't move. I guess she's being paid back for all the times she knocked him down when he was first sitting.

This picture below is a good one of Ryan's "eye thing" as I call it because I'm not that imaginative anymore. He's been doing this running and with other things. We asked him to find Charlotte today while she was hiding under the futon, and he proceeded to jerk his head around while doing the eye thing. Such funny little people!
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